Thursday 3 May 2012

New Tune Live Performance XV

I just came back from a great concert organized by New Tune, a musical group in UKM. My roommate, Zian went to the gym with me before that. We worked out for almost 2 hours before hitting the shower and went for dinner. Made our way to the grand hall, DECTAR just at the back of our hostel and a walking distance too. Saw quite a number of people turning up. The reason for me to watch this concert was that 2 of my friends were involved, Francis and Grace. We waited anxiously at the main entrance, waiting for the arrival of other friends. Rebecca miscalled me and when I return her call, she told me she had arrived. Zian and I went separately to sit with our coursemates but ended up, Zian and his mates sat in the front row from ours. Shortly after that, Jonathan joined us and Ong and Edwin reached the hall. Edwin asked me to lead him the way to the place we sat so I did. The guest of honour invited was Ong Tee Keat, the former MCA president. Several other universities sent their representatives to attend this concert, building up mutual respect among local universities. The universities were Malaya University, Malaysia Putra University and Multimedia University. The crowd was mixed with outsiders and UKM students. As we had expected, the performance started only after speeches were given. We were first greeted by dance performance and the dance was amazing. The maneuver was uniform and creative. From the performances, I could see that some people I know got involved and I never thought they could sing, dance and even play musical instruments. Thus, never judge a book by its cover. Francis was the guitarist and he performed in 8 shows. He look handsome and suave when he played guitar, charmed the audience especially the females. Francis is a good-looking lad and add to his music talent, he was full of charisma. The performances had the singer as the center of attention but my attention turned to Francis. I was proud to tell my friends that Francis is my friend. Then, it was Grace's time to perform. She composed the song herself, entitled 'The Last Summer' and both Edwin and I were thrilled to see her performing on the stage. Suits her name, she was full of grace when she sang, played guitar at the same time. Both Edwin and I waved our glowing sticks in the air to support her. Jonathan and Ong did not follow for fear of embarrassment. Rebecca did follow, but constantly put down her glowing stick, not synchronizing with our movements. When Grace had her performance ended, I had arm pain for waving too long (non stop). The emcees of the night were hilarious and cheered the crowds with their funny advertisements. Time passed so fast that it was 1030pm when the show was over. Overall, New Tune Live Performance was a success and I congratulate the members for being so dedicated and brought an amazing performance to us. Really beyond words. Well done, the tickets are worth it.

 The guy in white jacket is Francis...

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